Loyalty: Why The Small Things Matter

small particles
Written By
Melissa Berger, Chief Solutions Officer
Published June 30, 2023

The Power of Small Gestures in a Million Mile Journey

Loyalty, an enduring and cherished quality, holds significant value to me, both in my professional and personal relationships. It’s a character trait I strive to embody and extend to my network. As someone who has built a professional career centered on loyalty in every way, I’m acutely aware of the profound impact that small gestures of recognition, gratitude, and appreciation can have on both myself and those around me.

As co-host (alongside my charismatic colleague, Brad Blackmon) of a loyalty podcast called Spilling the LoyalTea, I have had the esteemed honor of delving deep with clients, partners, and colleagues on the realities and promises of loyalty. Through our research and conversations with guests, it’s undeniable that conversations related to CRM and loyalty are on the rise. For our listeners, we love to talk about what we call “Big L” loyalty—the reasons why consumers choose your brand over others. To achieve “Big L” status, a significant value exchange is necessary to build relationships and ultimately cultivate loyal customers and fans.

Just last week, I had the ultimate loyalty experience - a moment that carries great weight for someone who talks about loyalty for a living. Having spent part of my childhood and adulthood in Atlanta, I have always been a fan of Delta Air Lines. When you live in a hub city, it's always easier to fly that airline; in Delta’s case, it's also my preference. Delta has continuously evolved its loyalty program over the years, allowing members to earn miles not just during flights, but also in their day-to-day activities. They seamlessly connect their program to many others (Starbucks, Lyft, etc.) deepening loyalty for many.

As my travel has continued to pick up over the last twelve months, I've been paying close attention to my status and where I was in my lifetime miles with Delta. I've continued to creep towards 1 Million Miles and have checked the progress after each flight. Last week, I knew I was going to hit the milestone based on the two trips I had planned.

a handwritten letter that congratulates a customer for reaching Delta Air Line's 1 Million Miles loyalty status

When I landed in New York, the flight attendant made a public announcement on the intercom about a 50-year wedding anniversary being celebrated. Then she added, “We also want to congratulate Melissa Berger on reaching her first 1 Million Miles while on this flight today.” I looked at my seatmates and exclaimed, “Yay, that’s me!” They congratulated me, and it felt incredibly heartwarming to be recognized when I hit 1 Million Miles. As I deplaned, the flight attendants gave me a handwritten note they signed (Delta is great about this for many reasons), and this note was special for me. I asked if I could get a picture and I waited for everyone to disembark so that I could capture that small moment with the entire crew.

a group of smiling people on an airplane

Delta already had me as a loyal customer, but something that took them little to no time had an immense impact. I appreciate their loyalty to me - this is at the core of a true relationship and value exchange.

As I sit down to record my next podcast, here are a few takeaways that I’ll be infusing into my “Big L” loyalty criteria and sharing with our listeners:

  • Small gestures go a long way.
  • Relationships with mutual value exchange will last (and if you are a brand, it will increase your customer lifetime value).
  • Consumers are still loyal - to stand out in the crowd you should assess your existing touchpoints and ensure that recognition is a critical part of your strategy.